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Художественная литература на иностранных языках

Найдено 150 товаров

Za chlebem (За хлібом)  Генрик Сенкевич

Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) – polski prozaik, autor wielu powiesci, opowiadan i nowel. W noweli „Za chlebem” porusza temat polskich pracujacych migrantow. ...Zubozaly chlop Wawrzon Toporek razem ze swoja corka Marysia na statku wyrusza do Ameryki. Lecz zamiast basni czeka na niego wypelniona...

Janko muzykant (Янко-музика)  Генрик Сенкевич

Szeroka popularnosc polskiemu pisarzowi Henryku Sienkiewiczowi (1846-1916), laureatowi literackiej Nagrody Nobla, przyniosly przede wszystkim powiesci historyczne, poswiecone donioslym wydarzeniom w dziejach jego ojczyzny. Nie mniej ciekawe sa jego opowiadania o zyciu prostych Polakow: „Janko muz...

Three Men on the Bummel  Jerome K. Jerome

Three Men on the Bummel by Jerome K. Jerome (1859–1927) is a sequel to the writer’s most famous work “Three Men in a Boat”. It is a masterpiece of Jerome’s ironic prose. This time, three friends earnestly master themselves in the latest advances in modern technology and travel by bicycle through ...

Mauschen Link  Хацко О.С.

Ця книга містить оповідання «Будинок для їжачка», написане нашою співвітчизницею Наталією Коробковою для дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Текст супроводжується системою вправ, метою яких є перевірити розуміння прочитаного, відпрацювати та закріпити лексику і граматичні конструкції, сприяти розвитк...

Ein Hauschen fyr den igel  Коробкова Н.

Ця книга містить оповідання «Будинок для їжачка», написане нашою співвітчизницею Наталією Коробковою для дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Текст супроводжується системою вправ, метою яких є перевірити розуміння прочитаного, відпрацювати та закріпити лексику і граматичні конструкції, сприяти розвитк...

The Second Jungle Book  Редьярд Кіплінг

The Second Jungle Book is a sequel to The Jungle Book by the English writer Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936). It contains five stories about Mowgli, the human child, and three stories that are not related to the main plot. The background of almost all the Kipling’s works is India. «Друга книга джунгл...

The Tragedy of King Lear  Вільям Шекспір

King Lear is a tragedy by the English playwright WilliamShakespeare (1564–1616). The plot of the play is based on the story of the legendary King Lear, who in his old age decides to retire from business and divide his kingdom between his three daughters. To determine the size of their parts, he a...

The Moonstone  Вілкі Коллінз

«The Moonstone» is a novel by the classic of English literature by Wilkie Collins (1824–1889). It tells the mysterious story of the theft of a diamond, which passed from one illegal owner to another, bringing with it a curse. Logic is intertwined with romance, and the everyday life of Victorian E...

The Captivity (Полон)  Валерія Суботіна

For 86 days, the Ukrainian military held defenses in the surrounded Mariupol and on the territory of the Azovstal plant. In order to preserve the lives of the soldiers and save the wounded, the defenders—by order of the higher military command—stopped standing on the defensive, left the territory...

Mansfield Park  Джейн Остін

The novel «Mansfield Park», the third published novel of Jane Austen (1775–1817), belongs to the mature period of her work. The romantic plot of the novel is permeated with the irony of the author. The novel tells the story of Fanny Price from the moment when she, a ten-year-old girl, is sent by ...

he Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders is a novel by Daniel Defoe (1660—1731). In her attempts to make her way up to the top, the protagonist of the work wouldn’t shy at adventures or fraud... In the end, she became rich, began to live honestly, and died in remorse. «Радощі та п...

The battle of life  Чарлз Дікенс

The story Battle of Life by the English writer Charles Dickens (1812–1870) is about love and sacrifice. Two sisters live happily in an English village. Marion, the younger sister, is engaged to Alfred Heathfield, who is leaving the village to complete his studies. However, on the day Alfred is to...

The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain—one of the five Christmas tales by the English writer Charles Dickens (1812–1870). Professor Redlaw was constantly thinking about the past. A ghost similar to the professor appears and wants to help him. But it is almost impossible to forget your past. «Лю...

Hania  Генрик Сенкевич

Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) – polski prozaik, autor wielu powiesci, opowiadan i nowel, laureat literackiej Nagrody Nobla w 1905 roku. Nowela „Hania” opowiada o historii milosci do mlodej dziewczyny dwoch konkurentow – pana Henryka (w imieniu ktorego prowadzona jest narracja) i jego druha, mlod...

The Invisible Man  Herbert George Wells

The Invisible Man is a science fiction novel by the English writer H. G. Wells (1866–1946). A stranger appeared in an English village during a snowstorm. No one saw his face, it was hidden under medical bandages. But one day a stranger took off the bandages and... he was left without a head! «Не...

The War of the Worlds  Herbert George Wells

The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by the English writer H. G. Wells (1866-1946). This is one of the earliest novels detailing the conflict between humanity and an alien race. Aliens from Mars plan to invade Earth as their planet's resources are dwindling. «Війна світів» — науково-...

Macbeth  Вільям Шекспір

Macbeth is a tragedy by the English writer and playwright William Shakespeare (1564–1616). According to the plot, the witches herald Macbeth’s high status and welcome him as the future king. Macbeth believes in divination, his unbridled desire for power leads to a series of tragic events. «Макбе...

The Mayor of Casterbridge  Томас Гард

In the novel The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), the dramatic story of Michael Henchard is described. The life path of Henchard—The Man of Character—was determined by fate at the moment of anger and a cruel joke in his youth. Despite the achievements of all subsequent years of ...

Northanger Abbey  Джейн Остін

«Northanger Abbey» is a novel by the English writer Jane Austen (1775–1817), written in the Gothic style fashionable at the time with irony characteristic of the author. Seventeen-year-old Catherine Morland is fascinated by the romance of «gothic novels» and often imagines herself as the heroine ...

Little Men  Луїза Мей Олкотт

Little Men novel, like most of the works by the American writer Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888), is somewhat autobiographical. In the private school for boys, which was opened by the spouses Jo and Fritz Bhaer, rather free rules of behavior prevail. But its pupils—different in character and outlook...

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