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Найдено 14156 товаров

Відомий шеф-кухар Гордон Рамзі пропонує до уваги читачів 100 рецептів оригінальних і неймовірно смачних страв, більшість з яких можна приготувати впродовж 10 хвилин. Ці страви неодмінно сподобаються вашій родині, і ви, коли куховаритимете, будете витрачати мінімум часу, адже поради автора допомож...

Зима в тисмениці  Олег Лишега

До книги вибраного Олега Лишеги — одного з найнеповторніших українських поетів, лауреата американського Пен-клубу за найкращу перекладну поетичну книжку — увійшов майже увесь його поетичний доробок, деякі з перекладів, а також п’єса «Друже Лі Бо, брате Ду Фу»....

Бернс. Вибрані вірші  Роберт Бернс

«Жоден поет не здобувався на таку раптову і всенародну популярність, як Бернс у Шотландії», — стверджує англій­ська літературна енциклопедія. 25 січня — на день народження Бернса — шотландці й досі традиційно збираються родинами й читають улюблені твори свого барда. Справжній народний культ Бернс...

Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and Harry has already lost so much. Only by destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes can Harry free himself and o...

Harry Potter is furious that he has been abandoned at the Dursleys' house for the summer, for he suspects that Voldemort is gathering an army, that he himself could be attacked, and that his so-called friends are keeping him in the dark. Finally rescued by wizard bodyguards, he discovers that Dum...

Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord's attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads. Harry has not told anyone about the future predicted by the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries, nor how deeply what happened to Sirius Black affected him. He's desperate fo...

Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet school term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-su...

Strange things always seem to happen when Harry Potter is around. Things that unsettle his guardians, the Dursleys. They strongly disapprove of strangeness. It's only when a letter arrives, delivered by a shaggy giant of a man called Hagrid, that Harry learns the truth that will transform his ent...

Harry Potter can't wait for his holidays with the dire Dursleys to end. But a small, self-punishing house-elf warns Harry of mortal danger awaiting him at Hogwarts. Returning to the castle nevertheless, Harry hears a rumour about a Chamber of Secrets, holding unknown horrors for wizards of Muggle...

Secretum  Francesco Petrarch

By writing what he called a "secret book" - taking the shape of a conversation between himself and St Augustine - Petrarch aimed to compose a cathartic text which would alleviate his spiritual crisis and help him make further inroads towards knowledge and fulfilment. At once an intimate reposito...

All The Sad Young Men  F. Scott Fitzgerald

Published a year after The Great Gatsby, this short-story collection showcases many of the celebrated novel's themes, as well as its unique writing style. Two of the most famous tales, the beautifully elegiac 'The Rich Boy' and 'Winter Dreams', deal with wealthy protagonists - the old-money Anson...

Tales of the Jazz Age  F. Scott Fitzgerald

A collection of early short stories which helped make Fitzgerald's name, Tales of the Jazz Age combines period pieces - the most notable of which is the novella-length 'May Day' - with more fanciful creations, such as the fantastical 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', recently made into a Hol...

Supernatural Short Stories  Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens wrote a number of supernatural and horror stories, some of which were included in his longer works, while others were published in magazines. This collection provides an invaluable insight into the author's storytelling apprenticeship and his steady growth towards excellence. As w...

This Side of Paradise  F. Scott Fitzgerald

This Side of Paradise charts the life of Amory Blaine, an ambitious young man loosely based on Fitzgerald himself, as he moves from his well-heeled Midwest home to study at Princeton and then starts frequenting the circles of high society as an aspiring writer. Experiencing failure and frustratio...

The Beautiful and Damned  F. Scott Fitzgerald

The heir to his grandfather's considerable fortune, Anthony Patch is led astray from the path to gainful employment by the temptations and distractions of the 1920s Jazz Age. His descent into dissolution and profligacy is accelerated by his marriage to the attractive but turbulent Gloria, and the...

Tender is the Night  F. Scott Fitzgerald

While holidaying at a villa on the French Riviera, Dick and Nicole Diver, a wealthy American couple, meet the young film star Rosemary Hoyt. Her arrival causes a stir in their social circle and exposes the cracks in their fragile marriage. As their relationship unravels, glimpses of their trouble...

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes  Arthur Conan Doyle

From his Baker Street apartment, Sherlock Holmes wields his powers of deduction in pursuit of justice and truth, venturing out into foggy Victorian London accompanied by his faithful sidekick Dr Watson. This classic collection of Holmes tales includes many of the detective's most-loved exploits: ...

The Great Gatsby  F. Scott Fitzgerald

Invited to an extravagantly lavish party in a Long Island mansion, Nick Carraway, a young bachelor who has just settled in the neighbouring cottage, is intrigued by the mysterious host, Jay Gatsby, a flamboyant but reserved self-made man with murky business interests and a shadowy past. As the tw...

Little Women  Louisa May Alcott

The four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy - live in financial hardship in New England with their mother, while their father has been drafted to fight in the Civil War. The girls embark on a series of adventures and endure a number of unexpected misfortunes - experiences that allow their pers...

Emma  Jane Austen

Emma is considered by many readers to be Jane Austen's crowning achievement, a timeless comedy of manners that lays bare the limits on women's autonomy in Regency England. The disparity between Emma Woodhouse's self-confidence and self-knowledge, and her determination to arrange marriages for her...