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Woman the war

Артикул: 741199
АвторыAnna Shyla
Язык изданияАнглійська
Язык подлинника: українська
Дата издания: 2018
Переплёт: тверда
Количество страниц: 320
Формат: 84х108/32 (130х200 мм)
Переводчик: Ольга Загородня
ISBN: 978-966-03-8474-3
Штрихкод:  9789660384743
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Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.

Woman of War is the first attempt to write about the military con­flict on the East of our country in the light of women stories. The book contains 25 stories. Every story is based on real-­life events narrated by real­-life women — paramedics, volunteers, journalists, and service­women who have gone to the front line to fight for their Homeland. The author tells their hard fates, but at the same time, each heroine is a composite character displaying life and emotions of many female warriors. The women are speakers of Ukraine. Their voice is worth hearing and paying heed to.

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Woman the war

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