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The Return of Sherlock Holmes

Артикул: 700979
Подлинное названиеThe Return of Sherlock Holmes
Возрастная группаДорослим
АвторыArthur Conan Doyle
СерияKM Classic
ЦиклKM-Books Classic
Язык изданияАнглійська
Дата издания: 2016
Переплёт: М'яка
Количество страниц: 352
Формат: 70х90/32
Вес (гр.): 100
ISBN: 978-617-7409-49-5
Штрихкод:  9786177409495
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When excessive Sherlock Holmes fame began to bother Conan Doyle, he decided to "kill" his hero. However, the emergence of the story in which Holmes killed in a skirmish with the leader of the London underworld Professor Moriarty, caused general outrage readers and even threats against the author. We also know that in a letter from the Buckingham Palace allegedly wrote that fall into the abyss - just a clever idea detective. That the author had to resurrect his character.

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The Return of Sherlock Holmes

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