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Artemis Fowl and The Arctic Incident

Артикул: 296895
АвторыEoin Colfer
СерияArtemis Fowl
Язык изданияанглійська
Дата издания: 2011
Переплёт: Мягкий
Количество страниц: 336
ISBN: 9780141339108
ПроизводительPenguin Classics
Штрихкод:  9780141339108
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Someone has been supplying Class A illegal human power sources to the goblins. Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit is sure that her arch-enemy, thirteen-year-old Artemis Fowl, is responsible. But is he? Artemis has his own problems to deal with: his father is being held to ransom and only a miracle will save him. Maybe this time a brilliant plan just won't be enough. Maybe this time Artemis needs help...

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Artemis Fowl and The Arctic Incident

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