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Найдено 520 товаров

Shades Of Magic:The Steel Prince  Вікторія Шваб

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.Written by #1 New York Times bestselling author V.E. Schwab and torn from the universe of the Shades of Magic sequence, this all-original comic book prequel to A Darker Shade of Magic is perfect for fans of bloody, swa...

A Dowry Of Blood  С.Т. Гібсон

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.THE GOTHIC TIKTOK SENSATION 'A thrilling and seductive Gothic rife with spine-tingling tension and dark romance. A Dowry of Blood left me breathless' Alexis Henderson, author of The Year of the Witching This is my la...

Tess of the d’Urbervilles — a novel by the English writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), first published in 1891. One day, the head of the Darbeyfield family learns that their family comes from the ancient knightly family d’Urberville. He quits his job and spends most of his time in local pubs. Tess, ...

Homage to Catalonia is a book written by George Orwell (1903–1950), and it is based on his personal experience of participating in the Spanish Civil War on the republican side. the writer protested against the political repressions carried out by the Spanish Communists, as well as against the tot...

The Occult, Witchcraft & Magic  Christopher Dell

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.From the earliest Paleolithic cave rituals, magic has gripped the imagination. Magic and magicians appear in early Babylonian texts, the Bible, Judaism and Islam. Secret words, spells and incantations lie at the heart ...

Too Late  Коллін Гувер

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.A breath-taking psychological suspense about obsession and dangerous love. The definitive edition of Too Late from the TikTok phenomenon and #1 bestselling author of Verity. Sloan will go through hell and back for thos...

Nine Perfect Strangers  Ліян Моріарті

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.Nine perfect strangers, each hiding an imperfect life. A luxury retreat cut off from the outside world. Ten days that promise to change your life. But some promises - like some lives - are perfect lies . . ....

Modern Architecture. World of Art  Кеннет Фремптон

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.This highly acclaimed survey of modern architecture and its origins has become a classic since it first appeared in 1980, and has helped to shape architectural practice and discourse worldwide. For this extensively rev...

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.A stunning gift book drawing together mythological poems – classic and brand-new – from around the world, illustrated throughout in black and white by award-winning former children's laureate Chris Riddell. Compiled by...

Cousins  Карен М. Мак-Манус

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.The Storys are the envy of their neighbours: owners of the largest property on their East Coast island, they are rich, beautiful, and close. Until it all falls apart. The four children are suddenly dropped by their mot...

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.In what remains one of his most seminal papers, Freud considers the incompatibility of civilisation and individual happiness, and the tensions between the claims of society and the individual. We all know that living i...

Charlie Chaplin  Пітер Акройд

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.He was the very first icon of the silver screen, and is one of the most recognisable faces in Hollywood, even a hundred years on from his first film. But what of the man behind the moustache? The director holding the c...

The Word Is Art  Майкл Петрі

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.There has been much scaremongering about the ‘death of the book’, and how, as words find new ways and means of transmission, young people might gradually begin to shun writing. In the digital age, text becomes informat...

The Rolling Stones  Reuel Golden

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.Слава та успіх, яких The Rolling Stones досягли за свою майже 60-річну кар'єру, не мають собі рівних; їх найвідоміші рифи і тексти, що запам'ятовуються, назавжди зафіксувалися в нашій колективній пам'яті. Своєю чарівн...

Management in Times of War  Костянтин Кошеленко

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.When it comes to war, the first thoughts are military actions and their strategy. But the war is also a test for the economy, state bodies, culture and social relations. And this book is exactly about that. The book is...

Venice  Peter Ackroyd

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.In this magnificent vision of Venice, Peter Ackroyd turns his unparalleled skill at evoking place from London and the River Thames, to Italy and the city of myth, mystery and beauty. He leads us through the history of ...

The Theatre : A Concise History  Філліс Хартнолл, Енох Брейтер

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.Acting, direction, stagecraft, theatre architecture and design, the extraordinary evolution of dramatic literature—here is an all-embracing and richly illustrated history, worldwide in scope and ranging from the ancien...

World of Art: Abstract Art  Anna Moszynska

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.Since the early years of the 20th century, Western abstract art has fascinated, outraged and bewildered audiences. Its path to acceptance within the artistic mainstream was slow. Anna Moszynska traces the origins and e...

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.It is often forgotten just how provocative Impressionist canvases seemed when they were first exhibited in 1874. The advocates of the new style rejected the established principles of art prevalent at that time in Franc...

Ніколас Спаркс; At First Sight  Ніколас Спаркс

Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.How far can you run from your past? Jeremy Marsh once vowed he would never do three things: leave New York City, give his heart away again after barely surviving one failed marriage, and, most of all, become a parent. ...