Bukva discount program
(068) 351-73-19
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    Bukva discount program

    Free delivery in BUKVA.ua in Ukraine

    Free delivery in Ukraine from 1000 UAH 

    Terms of Providing and rules of using the discount

    The participants of the “Discount program” have a possibility to get the discounts in the net of book stores BUKVA, in the internet-store www.bukva.ua.

    1. Explanation and terminology

    Discount card is a multiple use card which has its own number and identifies the owner of the card. The discount card is not a cash card. It is granted to the client for use for providing a technical possibility to get the discounts. Types of the cards, their design, safety methods and ways of distribution are determined by the Organizer.

    The Organizer is a company, who organizes distribution of the discount cards, provides a Discount to the places of sale according to the program terms and is responsible for this process.

    A client is a person who gets a discount card of the participant of the “discount program” and has a right to get a discount according to the program terms which were agreed by the Organizer.

    A Discount program is a program where the clients have a right to get the discounts which were agreed by the Organizer.

    A discount is a discount in UAH which is provided to the client for buying goods with a discount card.

    The partner of the program is a legal or physical person who is not a participant of the program but use this program with the aim of achieving marketing goals.

    2. Rules of getting and activation of the discount card

    Every customer who has made a one-time purchase of over 500 UAH. in the book stores Bukva or the online store www.bukva.ua, is entitled to a discount card, which entitles you to a discount of 5% for all product categories, except those for which the discount is not applies.

     Anyone who wishes to obtain a discount card must register online store www.bukva.ua and the first order will be credited automatically 3% discount for all product categories, except those for which the discount is not applies.. After accumulating under the account of orders in the amount of 500 UAH. and more, you need to fill out a questionnaire in a private office.

     After receiving the card, it is necessary to register on the site www.bukva.ua under "My Account", and to get a discount on orders in the future to make orders under his personal account created during registration.

    The discount card is perpetual.
    The card will not be activated if information is not filled in correctly in the application.

    The validity term of the Discount card is 1 year from the moment of activation.
    The owner of the Discount card can be only one member of the family who is in residence at said address.

    The Organizer has a right to use any data from the application upon the terms and conditions contain in the rules of the program for the purpose of sending sms, e-mail and other mailing with information. The client who gets a discount card agrees with the rules of the program and obligated to keep them. If the client breaks the instructions of the program he will be not be able to use the discount card.

    3. Substitution of the card in the case of losing it

    In the case of losing the discount card it is necessary to call by the phone (068) 351-73-19 and inform about it. To lock out the lost discount card and to get a new one. You are supposed to tell your name, surname, address, date of birth. The client will be informed about the exact address where he can get a new discount card. You will get a new discount card after filling in the necessary documents.

    4. Other terms

    The Organizer has a right to add any changes to the rules of the program and to the list of the Partners. The Organizer will put all information about changes on the website of the company www.bukva.ua.

    The Organizer has a right to change or add the stores, terms of using the discount cardst. The organizer has a right to fix the amount of the discount which can be provided in each store.

    In the case of varying interpretation of providing and using the Discounts and other questions from the client side which are not unadjusted by these documents the Organizer will adopt the final decision in this case according to the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine. The decision of the organizer is final and without appeal.

    The Organizer has a right to stop the client’s participation in the program in the case if he:
    • doesn’t keep the rules of the program;
    • gives unreliable information;
    • abuse the rights which were given to him upon the terms and conditions contained in the program.
    The Organizer has a right to refuse to give a discount to the client in the case if:
    • the client doesn’t present his discount card;
    • the individual number, logotype, bar code are absent on the discount card.
    The discount card is not active in the case of:
    • making purchase of promotion goods;
    • making purchase of the gift certificates.