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English Edition The war for our emotions and choices is raging in Ukraine and the world, around and within us. The number of front lines is countless. People are at war in families, online communities, and societies. States are at war with people, companies, and each other. How can we avoid being...
Invincible is a book about Ukrainian women, about stout Ukrainian spirit, about women’s unity and the courage they found to leave home and save their families and their country, about the unexpectable qualities of Ukrainian women revealed by the war, about how they help the army and dream to rebu...
The story of bravery told in this book is not yet complete. It is written every day with blood and sweat on the battlefields of the war launched by the largest nuclear power, Russia, against its smaller neighbour, Ukraine, which voluntarily gave up its nuclear arsenal almost 30 years ago in the n...
BLACKOUT. Chronicles of Our Life During Russia's War Against Ukraine On the 10th of October 2022, Russia carried out the first massive shelling of Ukraine’s power infrastructure. Since then, the word ‘blackout’ entered the vocabulary of the whole country. Having lived for months under the Russia...
When was Ukraine born? Some would say in 1991, when Ukraine declared independence, and some discovered it in 2014, during the Revolution of Dignity, but in 2022, no one in the world has not heard of Ukraine's resistance. But our country's history began much earlier - more than a thousand years ag...
It takes only two hours to drive from Chernihiv to Kyiv, and an hour — to the border with the Russian Federation, so the defense of the city in the full-scale war of 2022 was of strategic importance for the protection of the capital. "If we hadn’t held Chernihiv, we could have lost Kyiv", the mi...
The documentary chronicle of Russia’s full-scale invasion into Ukraine reminds the reader of the tragic and heroic events of the first six months of the hot phase of the war, from February 24 to August 24, 2022. The enemy planned а “flash war”, killing civilians and destroying cities, but Ukraini...
The third month of Russia's full-scale, aggressive invasion of Ukraine. The armed forces of Ukraine are repelling the invaders, despite the difficult situation in the east and south of the country. The aggressor uses terror, massive missile strikes, and aerial bombs. Thousands of lives — both mil...
24 лютого 2022 року, коли українські міста прокинулись від вибухів, ворог планував «блискавично» підкорити країну, вбиваючи мирних мешканців і знищуючи міста, але українці героїчно чинили опір. Кремль не зміг реалізувати план швидкого захоплення України та зміни влади в країні. Головною перепоною...
This book sets out Ukraine’s history from antiquity to the present day, offering a condensed overview of the turbulent history of this European country. This book will help answer the following questions: What is Ukraine — a country which has recently been much talked about in the world? How has ...
The book of recollections of those, who went through hell and survived: prisoners of Donetsk and Luhansk cellars, infamous "Isolation", Donbas colonies. These are the stories of those who were exchanged on December 29, 2019, those who were pleased with the feeling of Ukrainian land at the "Mai...
Захоплюючий аудіокурс «Дівчина з Кінгс Крос» (The Girl From King’s Cross) із серії «Вивчайте англійську, слухаючи детективи» для всіх, хто хоче покращити розуміння мови на слух, а також поглибити і розширити свої знання. ...
Захоплюючий аудіокурс "Жага смерті" із серії «Вивчайте англійську, слухаючи детективи» для всіх, хто хоче покращити розуміння мови на слух, а також поглибити і розширити свої знання. Потім Ви зможете перевірити своє знання англійської мови за допомогою компакт-диска - різноманітні та цікаві вправ...
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