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    The Black Arrow

    Article: 701503
    Age groupДорослим
    Serie KM Classic
    Imprint date: 2016
    Book-cover: М'яка
    Pages: 272
    Format: 70х90/32
    ISBN: 978-617-7409-71-6
    Barcode:  9786177409716
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    Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.


    Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.

    The novel takes place in the XVth century during the War of the Roses. Young Dick Shelton met with the leader of the free shooters and experiencing many adventures. First of all this work of courage and generosity, courage and heroic deeds of people who believe that love can overcome everything.

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    The Black Arrow

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