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    buy: Book Civilization And Its Discontents

    Civilization And Its Discontents

    Article: 812317
    Authors: Sigmund Freud
    Imprint date: 2002
    Book-cover: М'яка
    Pages: 144
    Format: 129x198x8 мм
    ISBN: 9780141182360
    Barcode:  7781231700497
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    In what remains one of his most seminal papers, Freud considers the incompatibility of civilisation and individual happiness, and the tensions between the claims of society and the individual. We all know that living in civilised groups means sacrificing a degree of personal interest, but couldn't you argue that it in fact creates the conditions for our happiness? Freud explores the arguments and counter-arguments surrounding this proposition, focusing on what he perceives to be one of society's greatest dangers; 'civilised' sexual morality. After all, doesn't repression of sexuality deeply affect people and compromise their chances of happiness?

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    Civilization And Its Discontents

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