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    Foreign Literature

    Found 1594 goods

    Le Fantome de l’Opera  Gaston Leroux

    Le roman gothique «Le Fantome de l’Opera» appartient a la plume de l'ecrivain francais Gaston Leroux et, selon l'auteur lui-meme, represente des evenements reels. Des evenements etonnants se deroulent a l'Opera de Paris: la perte d'argent, la disparition du chanteur, des accidents... De la premie...

    The House of the Seven Gables  Nathaniel Hawthorne

    «The House of the Seven Gables» is a Gothic novel by the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804—1864). The author discusses the past and present of New England and addresses the themes of guilt, retribution, and atonement. This is a story about the relationship of two genera. A gloomy and unco...

    Jane Eyre  Charlotte Bronte

    Jane Eyre, the protagonist tof the novel of the same name by British writer Charlotte Bronte (1816—1855), was raised in an orphanage. Having received an excellent education, the girl gets a job as a governess in the family of a wealthy Mr. Rochester. After a while, Jane begins to realize that Roc...

    «Frankenstein» is an epistolary Gothic novel by the English writer Mary Shelley (1797—1851). The book is about Victor Frankenstein, who managed to comprehend the mystery of the origin of life and learn to revive lifeless matter. Later he renounces his creation, but the nameless monster begins to ...

    The novel «The Cricket of the Hearth» by the English writer Charles Dickens (1812—1870) belongs to the series of «Christmas stories». This is a story about a happy driver’s family. Dramatic events caused by the appearance of a stranger threaten the happiness of the family. However, magical creatu...

    The Chimes (Дзвони)  Charles Dickens

    The novel «The Chimes» by the Englishman Charles Dickens (1812—1870) belongs to the series of «Christmas stories». After talking to the judge, Toby begins to believe that all the poor are bad from birth. However, the spirits of church bells with the help of magic change Toby himself as well as th...

    «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» is a novel by Mark Twain (1835—1910). The story describes the adventures of a boy named Tom Sawyer from the town of St. Petersburg (reminiscent of the town of Hannibal, where the author grew up) in the southern United States. The events of the novel take place on th...

    «Also sprach Zarathustra» — ist das Werk des deutschen Philosophen Friedrich Nietzsche (1844—1900). Es erzahlt vom Schicksal und den Lehren eines wandernden Philosophen, der sich Zarathustra nennt, den Namen des Propheten einer der altesten Religionen der Welt, basierend auf der Lehre von der fre...

    Bruder Grimm — Jacob (1785—1863) und Wilhelm (1786—1859) — deutsche Linguisten und weltberuhmte Geschichtenerzahler. Seit ihrer Studienzeit sammeln sie Volksgeschichten, Legenden und verarbeiten sie fur ihre Zeitgenossen. Die Marchen der Bruder Grimm sind so realistisch und hochst moralisch, dass...

    Sowohl Kinder als auch Erwachsene mogen die Geschichten des deutschen Schriftstellers Wilhelm Hauff (1802—1827). Er einer der wenigen Autoren ist, die es geschafft haben, gewohnliche Legenden uber Geister und die Armen, die die bosen Reichen bestrafen, in magische, lebendige und unvergessliche Me...

    Друга частина роману «Маленькі жінки» американської письменниці Луїзи Мей Елкотт (1832—1888) — продовжує розповідь про чотирьох сестер сімейства Марч – Маргарет, Джо, Бет і Еммі. У романі частково використані дитячими спогади авторки. Second part of «Little Women» by American author Louisa May ...

    Перша частина роману «Маленькі жінки» американської письменниці Луїзи Мей Елкотт (1832—1888) — це розповідь про чотирьох сестер сімейства Марч – Маргарет, Джо, Бет і Еммі, які народилися у небагатій сім’ї, навчилися долати труднощі та чекають на батька з війни. «Little Women» is a novel by Ameri...

    There was one night in the troubled spring of the dramatic year 2014 that saved Kharkiv from the tragic fate of Donetsk, Luhansk, and many Donbas towns and villages, which endure now the seventh year of devastation by hands of separatists and Russian mercenaries. It was the first victory in the ...

    This book sets out Ukraine’s history from antiquity to the present day, offering a condensed overview of the turbulent history of this European country. This book will help answer the following questions: What is Ukraine — a country which has recently been much talked about in the world? How has ...

    «… It's what's inside of us that makes us turn out the way we do» — the phrase embedded in the mouth of one of the heroes of the story, became the leitmotif of the most famous work of O. Henry (1862—1910) «The Roads We Take». Conciseness of presentation, subtle humor, unusual plot and unpredicta...

    Animal Farm  George Orwell

    The English writer George Orwell (1903—1950) gained worldwide fame for his works written in the last years of his life. The political allegory «Animal Farm» depicts the rebirth of revolutionary principles and programs, the gradual transition from the ideas of general equality and the construction...

    «Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There» is a continuation of Lewis Carroll's tale (1832—1898) about the incredible adventures of the girl Alice. In an amazing chess country, where everything is the other way round, the girl is waiting for many mysteries and strange characters. But...

    This story of Lewis Carroll (1832—1898) is loved both by children and adults. It is about a little girl Alice, who fell into a rabbit hole and discovered a completely different world — incredible, wonderful and full of all sorts of dangers. Since then, Alice's immortal adventures have begun. Цю ...

    Le Petit Prince  Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Les ?uvres de l'ecrivain francais Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900—1944) font echo presque mystique au present. L'auteur pose la question du progres et de ses consequences, du risque et de la responsabilite, du sens de la vie humaine... Le conte philosophique «Le Petit Prince» est le resultat de l'...

    The Fairy Tales  Oscar Wilde

    Oscar Wilde (1854—1900) — Anglo-Irish writer, an outstanding master of paradox and satirical nonsense. Reflections on good, evil and beauty are inherent in Wilde’s «The Fairy Tales». They are characterized by incredible fantasy, humanistic mood and ironic manner of presentation. Оскар Вайлд (185...