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    Found 14157 goods

    Інтерактивна « Жива Абетка» вже в Україні - на радість дітлахам! Видавництво FastAR kids представляє першу в Україні « Живу Абетку», в якій «оживає» КОЖНА сторінка! Це унікальне поєднання IT-технологій із звичайним класичним книговидавництвом. FastAR kids – єдина в Україні та Європі компанія, що...

    Шлях до рабства  Фрідріх Гаєк

    Чому до влади приходять найгірші? Це не риторичне запитання, а назва розділу із цієї книжки. Вона стала настільною для Марґарет Тетчер, її не раз перечитував Рональд Рейґан. Нині ж ця праця не менш актуальна для українського соціуму. У ній Фрідріх Гаєк розповідає, чому на верхівці часто опиняютьс...

    Independence  Charlotte Bronte

    Jane Eyre and Lucy Snowe are heroines who depend upon no one but themselves. In the face of hardship, from small sacrifices to great heartache, they cling resolutely to their principles of self-reliance. Lucy's energy and enterprise take her to Belgium and a career in teaching, whilst Jane’s hone...

    When the mysterious and beautiful young widow Helen Graham becomes the new tenant at Wildfell Hall, rumors immediately begin to swirl around her. As her neighbor Gilbert Markham comes to discover, Helen has painful secrets buried in her past that even his love for her cannot easily overcome....

    Jane Eyre  Charlotte Bronte

    'Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? - You think wrong!' This is the story of Jane, an orphan in Victorian England, she is relentlessly bullied and deprived by her aunt and the charity school she is banished to. Yet Jane emerges from a tragic...

    Jane Eyre  Charlotte Bronte

    As an orphan, Jane’s childhood is not an easy one, but her independence and strength of character sustain her through the miseries inflicted by cruel relatives and a brutal education system. However, her biggest challenge is yet to come. Taking a job as a governess in a house containing dangerous...

    Villette  Charlotte Bronte

    I am only just returned to a sense of real wonder about me, for I have been reading Villette... (George Eliot)" About the Author Charlotte Bronte lived from 1816 to 1855. In 1824 she was sent away to school with her four sisters and they were treated so badly that their father brought them home t...

    Jane Eyre  Charlotte Bronte

    One of the most widely-read and enjoyed of all Victorian novels, and one of the greatest tales of a woman's struggle for dignity and love in a hard time. Orphaned Jane Eyre endures an unhappy childhood, hated by her aunt and cousins and then sent to comfortless Lowood School. But life there impr...

    The Metaphysics  Aristotle

    Aristotle's probing inquiry into some of the fundamental problems of philosophy, The Metaphysics is one of the classical Greek foundation-stones of western thought, translated from the with an introduction by Hugh Lawson-Tancred in Penguin Classics. The Metaphysics presents Aristotle's mature re...

    Poetics  Aristotle

    Essential reading for all students of Greek theatre and literature, and equally stimulating for anyone interested in literature In the Poetics, his near-contemporary account of classical Greek tragedy, Aristotle examine the dramatic elements of plot, character, language and spectacle that combin...

    Painstakingly restored from Tolkien’s manuscripts and presented for the first time as a fully continuous and standalone story, this paperback of the epic tale of The Children of Hurin will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves, dragons, Dwarves and Orcs, and the rich lan...

    A beautiful hardback edition of The Last Battle, book seven in the classic series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and colour interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes. To my side, all true Narnians! Would you wait till your new masters have killed you...

    A beautiful hardback edition of The Silver Chair, book six in the classic series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and colour interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes. "Quick!" said Eustace. "Hold hands! We mustn't get separated!" And before Jill quite...

    A beautiful hardback edition of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, book five in the classic series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and colour interior art by the original illustrator of Narnia, Pauline Baynes. The intrepid Edmund and Lucy return to Narnia – with their...

    The Horse and His Boy is the third book in C. S. Lewis’s classic fantasy series that has drawn readers of all ages into a magical land where horses talk and destiny awaits for over sixty years. This is a novel that stands on its own, but if you would like to return to Narnia, read Prince Caspian,...

    A full-color paperback edition of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", book two in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with full-color cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes. Four adventurous siblings - Peter, Susan, Edmund...

    A beautiful hardback edition of The Magician’s Nephew, book one in the classic series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and colour interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes. On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, w...

    Марк Форсайт — відомий британський письменник і популярний блогер. У 2018 р. побачила світ його книга «Коротка історія пияцтва…» про давню пристрасть Homo sapiens до алкоголю — від кам’яної доби і Стародавнього Єгипту до Америки часів сухого закону. Навіщо первісні мавпи спустилися з верхівок де...

    Через пів року гарячої фази повномасштабної війни проти України РФ шантажує світ ядерною небезпекою. Ситуація навколо тимчасово окупованої Запорізької АЕС, яка вийшла з-під контролю МАГАТЕ, тероризує не тільки українців, а й інші народи. Для багатьох країн настав час, коли власні інтереси мають п...

    Пігмаліон  Бернард Шоу

    Бернард Шоу (1856-1950) — уславлений ірландський письменник і драматург, лауреат Нобелівської премії. Одну зі своїх п’єс-шедеврів він написав, надихнувшись міфом про скульптора Пігмаліона, який закохується у своє творіння — дівчину-статую і просить богиню вдихнути в неї життя. У Шоу, щоправда, го...