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    Your request «Гілберт Честертон» found 4 goods Extended search
    Books – 4

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936) was a classic of english literature. Author of a series of detective stories, the main character of which is Father Brown. He is a priest with a sharp analytical mind who works miracles in the search for criminals. The publication includes nine short stories, ...

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936)—English writer, author of a series of detective stories, the main character of which is Father Brown. The priest does not always seek to punish the offender—he is often limited to teaching or confession. The publication «The Secret of Father Brown» includes sh...

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936) was an English Christian thinker, journalist, and writer. Author of a series of detective stories, the main character of which is Father Brown, a priest who knows how to skillfully solve the most complex and intricate crimes. The publication includes eight sho...

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936) — a classic ofEnglish literature, one of the brightest writers of the firsthalf of the twentieth century. The publication of «FatherBrown’s Memories» included the short stories «The RedMoon of Meru», «The Chief Mourner of Marne», «The Blast of the Book» andoth...