Знайдено 361 товарів
The Poison Belt, a science fiction novel by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) from the Professor Challenger series, is a continuation of the novel The Lost World. Professor Challenger announces a new discovery: the Earth is threatened with an imminent disaster! Which actually happens: people are fal...
The Land of Mist is a science fiction novel by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) from the Professor Challenger series. Its plot revolves mainly around the professor’s daughter Enid and his old friend, the reporter Edward Malone, who happened to get in touch with the secret of the life beyond. Nevert...
Novel Notes is a book by Jerome K. Jerome (1859–1927) about how a group of friends who are recognizable characters from the famous duology Three Men in a Boat and Three Men on the Bummel. This time, they gathered in a cozy living room, and decided to write the best ever novel in the world. On the...
The collection The15 Great American Short Stories includes the works of the most prominent American writers. Works included are: Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Landor's Cottage by Edgar Allan Poe, as well as stories by Washington Irving, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, O. Henry, Jack Lo...
To the Lighthouse is a modernist novel by Virginia Woolf (1882–1941), the plot of which being secondary to the philosophical reflections of the characters. It depicts two visits by the Ramsay family to their country house on the Isle of Skye in Scotland in 1910 and 1920. Among the man...
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is а legendary «black novel» by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894). Dr. Jekyll makes а sensational discovery, but he is forced to keep it а secret because the bearer of evil, whom he named Mr. Hyde, has become uncontrollable. «Химерна пригода з докторо...
Ksiazka Larysy Myrgorodskiej «Pouczajace przygody Miodunczyka» jest przeznaczona dla dzieci i doroslych, ktorzy lubia im czytac. Zawiera historie: «Spotkanie przy pomaranczowej konewce», «Niespodziewana przygoda w wiosennym miescie», «O bialych mieszkancach i dobrych uczynkach», «Jak ujawniono ta...
Dream Days is a collection of children’s fiction and reminiscences of childhood written by Kenneth Grahame (1859–1932). The book is best known for its inclusion of Grahame’s classic story “The Reluctant Dragon”. It can be seen as a prototype to most modern stories in which the dragon is a sympath...
«Pollyanna» is a novel by the American writer Eleanor Porter (1868–1920). An orphan girl who knows how to see something joyful even in the saddest, moves in with her rich aunt and completely changes her life, as well as the lives of all the inhabitants of the city. «Полліанна» — роман американсь...
The Mystery of Edwin Drood is the last and unfinished detective novel by Charles Dickens (1812—1870). The fate of the main character, who eventually goes missing, is the mystery of the work. Yet, the writer did not tell anyone what the ending should be... «Таємниця Едвіна Друда» — останній і нез...
La coleccion del poeta y dramaturgo espanol Federico Garcia Lorca (1898—1936) «Teatro» incluia las obras «Bodas de sangre», «Yerma», «La casa de Bernarda Alba» entre otras. Los heroes de Lorca estan inmersos en la rutina mundana, pero el choque de la rutina y la poesia da lugar a la tragedia. La ...
The Adventures of Oliver Twist is a famous novel by Charles Dickens (1812—1870). Despite all the trials and tribulations, the young orphan hero does not lose his human dignity and faith in moral values. The writer sees the beginning of evil in the laws of society of the time. However, at the end ...
Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.Pewnego dnia, po przeczytaniu takiej ksiazki jak ?Maly Ksiaze?, zaczynamy rozumiec, ze dojrzewajac, zapodzialismy gdzies w sobie cos waznego i wartosciowego, bez czego nie mozna czuc sie naprawde szczesliwym. Wtedy zac...
«Cabbages and Kings» — a satirical novel by American writer O. Henry (1862—1910). The work was written on the basis of the revised collection of adventurous and humorous stories of the same name. The action of the novel takes place in Latin America, and its characters evoke sincere sympathy, beca...
«Pygmalion: A Romance in Five Acts» — one of the most famous plays by George Bernard Shaw (1856—1950). The work is based on the Greek myth of the sculptor Pygmalion and his beautiful creation. This original and witty play, which touches on deep social issues, is relevant to this day. «Пігмаліон»...
«The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark» is a tragedy by William Shakespeare (1564–1616), one of the most famous plays in world drama. The work vividly reproduces the course of real and feigned madness, which is manifested either in deep sadness or in rage. Among its themes: betrayal, revenge a...
«Ozma of Oz» is the third book in a series about the heroes of the magical land of the American writer L. Frank Baum (1856–1919). This time, Dorothy and Princess Ozma free the Queen of Ev and her ten children, who are imprisoned by the insidious Nome King. «Озма з країни Оз» — третя книжка серії...
Der philosophische Roman Der Proze? von Franz Kafka (1883—1924) erschien nach dem Tod des Autors. Seine Kapitel waren nicht nummeriert. Das etwas banale Leben des Helden des Werks ging seinen gewohnten Gang, bis ihm mitgeteilt wurde, dass ein Prozess gegen ihn eingeleitet wurde.... Філософський ...
Le protagoniste du roman du meme nom de l’ecrivain francais Honore de Balzac (1799—1850), l’usurier cynique Gobseck, «l’homme-billet», est convaincu que le monde est gouverne par l’or, et l’usurier regne sur l’or. L’auteur montre a quoi conduisent les depenses excessives et le pouvoir de l’argent...
Книга не бере участь в програмі Зимова єПідтримка.When the Quidditch World Cup is disrupted by Voldemort's rampaging supporters alongside the resurrection of the terrifying Dark Mark, it is obvious to Harry Potter that, far from weakening, Voldemort is getting stronge...